How to Whiten Face Naturally Source image: 1. Using Honey Honey apparently contains substances that can inhibit the entry of bacteria into the skin and body. In addition, this natural ingredient also contains antioxidants which are useful for making skin firmer and looking younger. Follow the steps below to get the benefits: Mix 1 tablespoon honey and egg white from 1 egg. Stir until evenly distributed. Apply on face and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly when done. 2. Tomatoes Tomatoes are "multitalented" vegetables that can be combined with a variety of foods. Its antioxidant properties are found to protect the skin from the risk of free radicals and UV rays. To get the benefits, you can eat or drink tomato juice regularly or wear a mask made from this fruit. Here are some mask combinations you can try: Tomatoes and lemons (high in vitamin C) Toman and oatmeal (contains vitamin E and potassium which are good for
Source image : Not all of you out there are floss-threading, root-planning, enamel-scaling, bio-film removing dental hygienists. It is indeed a rare type. But, cosmetic dentistry has an appeal for all. It is an art that beautifies the best part of one’s face—the smile, and it is inspiring to think what a good smile can achieve. For one, you feel more confident with a smile that is artfully perfected to fit the proportion of your face just right. The specialized service now available in Albany, covers exclusive needs for: whitening and shaping closing gaps between teeth smile improvement Before booking an appointment with a top dentist in Albany for shinning smile aesthetics, go through the brief guide below on services and effects: To Whiten the Teeth Stained or discolored teeth happen to 50% of people. Why? A number of reasons may apply: nicotine staining from excessive smoking medication tha